7 Foot Midget - Hardcore Punks

Hardcore punkers rule!
It's so cool when they drool
Mohawks and tattoos
Nipple-piercings, steel-toed boots

Hardcore punks - they're so mean
Hardcore punks - they'll bust your teeth
Hardcore punks - they're so tough
Hardcore punks - they'll bust your nuts

Hardcore punks kick ass
They'll cut your face with some glass
They'll crush you in the pit
They'll shove your face so deep in shit

Down the 40's before the show
Chug, chug, chug, chug
Shaved heads so bald they glow
Chug, chug, chug, chug
They're all rowdy, they're all drunk
Chug, chug, chug, chug
They don't give a shit, they're hardcore punks